CPPE clinical examination assessment: process for looking at the throat
- Demonstrate understanding of indication and procedure technique
- Obtain informed consent prior to procedure, including explaining the following:
- that you want to examine them
- what you are going to do
- why you need to do this.
- Observe the patient’s voice and enquire about recent changes
- Ask patient about problems with swallowing
- Exclude stridor before examining throat
- Ask patient to fully open mouth and say ‘ahh’:
- inspect oropharynx
- inspect tonsils for symmetry, size, colour and any
discharge or membrane.
- Palpate the cervical lymph nodes
- Record findings accurately in the notes
- Explain findings to the patient
- Recommend appropriate actions (e.g. prescribing, further relevant investigations, referral)
- Demonstrate a person-centred approach
- Seek help where appropriate
- Demonstrate professionalism.
Click here for CPPE's Clinical Examination and Procedural Skills assessment record.