Other useful information
Patients will also find it helpful to know:
- What to do if they miss a pill or experience severe vomiting or diarrhoea
- Although the COC is associated with an increased risk of breast and cervical cancers, the risk is small and reduces with time after stopping the product. On the plus side COCs reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer and this is sustained after stopping the product
- They should seek advice from a healthcare professional before starting any new medicines (including OTC and alternative products).
The pharmacy team has an important – and growing role – to play in the provision of COCs, both authorising repeat supplies and in the future initiating such products. As rigid as the protocols regarding their supply are, there is scope to individualise advice and care to best suit the patient. This will also increase the chance of them correctly using the contraceptive they have chosen, which in turn will increase effectiveness.